Water supply is a complex system of engineering communications, which is designed to supply water to the population and industrial facilities. Water supply networks are the main component of the water supply system. During the construction of various facilities, engineering communications are laid, which includes the installation of water supply and usually fire water supply. Depending on the operating conditions of the system, the choice of pipe material for laying the water supply network is made.
Internal pipes are usually made of steel, copper, polyvinyl chloride, metal plastic. Currently, pipelines made of metal-plastic and PVC are the most common, because they are practically not subject to corrosion, which cannot be said about metal pipes.
For the installation of an external water supply system, inexpensive pipes made of polymers – low-pressure polyethylene or polypropylene are usually used. Their big disadvantage is the limitation of the maximum pressure. This must be taken into account when laying the water supply network.
Water supply networks are trunk and distribution.
Distribution water supply networks are laid to transport water from the main pipelines to the objects of consumption. The laying of the main water supply lines is carried out to supply water within the framework of an entire water supply facility.
There are the following schemes for laying water pipes: dead-end, ring and combined. The cost of laying a water pipe according to a dead-end scheme is the least expensive. Laying of the water pipe according to the ring and combined scheme have such advantages as ease of maintenance and operation.
Highly qualified specialists of the company "Altyn Burgut" carry out the laying of water supply and repair of water supply systems inside buildings and structures of any complexity, in full compliance with the highest requirements and standards of modern construction.
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