GrowSoil Coconut Substrates

Coconut substrate Grow Soil is very popular among gardeners. Among its advantages are high moisture capacity and hydrophobicity (easily gives moisture to plants), high breathability. Microorganisms can live in coconut Grow Soil. It is a completely organic and environmentally friendly product with a very long service life (up to 5 years). Literally the perfect substrate. Coconut substrate Grow Soil is naturally not similar in composition to other substrates. It has many unique physical and chemical properties that can actually make other hydroponic substances less suitable.

Most hydroponic nutrients assume that you will use something like mineral wool, perlite, expanded clay, water and air as a medium, and will construct a balance of their nutrients in these media to supply nutrients. But because Coconut Fiber Grow Soil is unique, it can actually retain certain nutrients and release others faster. This means that your plants may suffer from a deficiency of certain nutrients, even if the nutrients you think are perfectly balanced. The nutrients developed specifically for coconut fiber have special nutrient balances that are needed by plants growing in this environment.

One of the main advantages of Coconut Grow Soil substrates is that it contains compounds that make it an ideal environment for beneficial bacteria. But this unique feature of coconut fiber doesn't really help your plants unless these symbiotic bacteria are in your hydroponic system.

Friends, we boldly advise you to use ready-made Grow Soil substrates. Using coconut substrates such as Grow Soil, the results with proper cultivation will undoubtedly please you, and this is an excellent alternative to various hydroponic installations.

How to buy "Grow Soil" substrates?

Call us by phone +99365581823 or 800 (422) 4-22-00, we will tell you about the availability, cost and delivery time of the substrates.

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