Recycled polymer

Every year our life is more and more captured by plastic and polymer products. They are everywhere - from the smallest details on clothes to huge buildings. Their popularity among manufacturers can be understood: these types of materials are easy to manufacture and operate, easy to maintain, and, compared to natural materials, are very cheap.

Polymers – what is it?

Polymer is a plastic that is used to make everyday products. The main feature that distinguishes this type of material is that its chemical composition includes a substance with high molecular weight chains, which repeats with a special frequency. The most popular polymer has become rubber (rubber), which is known for its elasticity and increased resistance to abrasion. There are 3 types of polymers:


The most popular in production, as they have features due to the addition and mixing of various substances: polyethylene, FF polymers, synthetic fibers and rubbers.


Products of this type are high-molecular substances that are obtained on the basis of natural polymers by their chemical modification: viscose, celluloid, acetate fiber and others.

Natural (biopolymers)

People did not make any effort to create them. Such polymers are products of reactions of nature itself. These include: silk, wool, protein, nucleic acids, starch, cellulose, leather, cotton and others.

How to help the planet?

First of all, you need to realize the problem and start with yourself. Hand over plastic for recycling, try not to buy plastic products at all, preferring more natural options.

It is necessary to consciously approach the use and disposal of polymer products, because the future of our planet depends on these actions! Her health starts with our decisions!

Industrial processing of polymers requires the use of special technical equipment. The following equipment is used in waste disposal plants:

  • washing conveyor, designed to minimize manual labor;
  • extruder – using the suppression method, the unit gives the molten mass the necessary shape;
  • belt conveyor that moves polymer waste from one equipment to another;
  • shredder – crushes materials at the primary stage of processing;
  • crusher – grinds incoming material to the minimum size;
  • dispenser;
  • mixer;
  • agglomerator – used for processing thin polymer film;
  • granulator – compacts raw materials;
  • pressing unit;
  • dryer;

For more information, please contact us.

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