Polypropylene TPP D30S / TPP D382BF

Polypropylene TPP D30S / TPP D382BF

Indicator name

Standards for stamps


Standards for stamps


Test Methods
1.Melt volumetric velocity (melt flow index), g/10 min
MA17066 / ISO1133
2.Yellowing index of granules, no more
22MTM 17212 E
3.The number of granules in 1 g, pcs.
MTM 17064 E
4.Uniformity of granules, % no more
MTM 17064 E

Polypropylene grade TPP D 30 S is a polypropylene homopolymer suitable in particular for extrusion to form thermoplastic sheets, filaments and monofilaments. Polypropylene grade TPP D 30 S is designed for the production of a rigid sheet for the purpose of high-quality molding of sheet thermoplastics such as glasses for vending machines, dairy products and trays designed for fruit, biscuits and chocolate.

Polypropylene grade TPP D 30 S is useful for the production of filament yarn by both injection and bubbling processes.

Textile filaments with a denier of at least 1100-1200 are used for the production of carpet substrates, bags, industrial fibers, mats and artificial turf.

Filamentary thread with a dossier number in the range of 3.000-28.000 is used for the production of bale and packing twine, as well as ropes.

Polypropylene brand TPP D 30 S can be used for the production of monofilament used, for example, for the production of brush and broom filler, as well as for other technical purposes.

Special grade for film applications.

Polypropylene grade TPP D 382 BF is a homopolymer intended for the production of biaxially oriented films and non-orientable films (cast films). In addition, it has excellent dielectric property, high transparency and high strength, and stability during processing.

Polypropylene grade TPP D 382 BF meets FDA criteria for food contact applications.

Polypropylene of the TPP D 382 BF brand is issued in the form of granules.

How to buy TPP D 30 S and TPP D 382 BF in granules?

Call us at +99365581823 or +993(422) 4-22-00, we will tell you about the availability, cost and delivery time of HDPE of any brand.

Write a request to info@altynburgut.com, we will respond as soon as possible. (Do not forget to indicate the brand of interest and the required volume in the request).